In the Year of Fearless Baking: Episode #8: Croissants

Friends, to be honest this challenge required me to come up with a reasonable chunk of extra courage. Not by any means the kind of courage that demands a fiery pep talk in the mirror, or power poses, or any of the multitude of things I do when life requires serious cojones. But still, croissants are complex and tricky, and the process is one that I’ve understood intellectually for years but never seriously considered taking on myself.

I think I had been kind of in denial about my feelings on the subject until just a couple of weeks ago. I was hanging out with a lovely group of people, and talking about this project, and someone asked if I had made croissants yet. A hush seemed to fall over the room, and the reality of the task at hand suddenly came into focus. But aren’t those the most exciting moments in life? When you identify something vaguely frightening and then meet it head on?

So, armed with Joe Pastry’s incredible step-by-step guide, I donned my apron and the silk scarf I inherited from my Grandma (if she only knew this is what I’d be using it for!), looked down the barrel of dough lamination reality and gave it my best Rosie the Riveter impression.

Basically, croissants are made by taking a yeasted dough and wrapping it around an enormous block of butter.

And then you fold it and roll it out several times to create layers and layers of pastry and butter.

This recipe suggested 81 layers (four turns total), which seemed like quite enough to me.

My shaping technique was pretty wonky, but you know something? It didn’t matter one bit.

Because yes, this is what came out of my oven. I am amazed to say that they were freaking delicious. Super flaky, but soft on the inside. Just beautiful.

So, as usual, the moral of the story is that it pays to do things outside of your comfort zone. I don’t really agree with that old saw that prescribes doing something every day that scares you. Because really, that kind of lifestyle will just wear a person out really quick. But I do encourage everyone out there to do something scary once in a while, even something as comparatively low-stakes as baking croissants.

Pull out your rolling pin, look in the mirror, and say to yourself, “Do you have the cojones?” Because, most likely, you do.


In the Year of Fearless Baking: Episode #9: Puff Pastry


In the Year of Fearless Baking: Episode #7: Baguettes Revisited